Performance Culture Uplift Programs
Functional and Operational Culture Uplift Programs
Combination of:
Functional and Operational Culture Uplift Programs combine a range of workshops, webinars and 1-2-1 leadership coaching focused on bottom up performance culture.
Culture Programs
Bottom Up Performance Culture Programs
The ‘Tone from the Top’ is essential in ensuring that the whole organisation is aligned to the behaviours, beliefs and values that will create a performance culture to achieve the group strategic outcomes. There is also a need for a bottom up approach to be encouraged and supported to ensure that local needs are met when it comes to designing the appropriate culture to optimise performance locally.
The CEO, Executive Team and SLT should be aligned closely with creating an open feedback loop from the operations and functions on both the physical and behavioural data points that will help with the monitoring and design of the corporate culture.
Sub-cultures should be accepted and encouraged, to ensure local laws, practices and rituals are preserved that drive performance.
Performance Culture Uplift Programs
This Is A Bespoke Program That Includes:
- Quarterly experiential workshops for leadership teams and managers to shift performance culture at a belief system level.
- 1-2-1 leadership coaching to upskill individual leaders.
- Online monthly mastermind webinars for managers to create a shared accountability and group coaching culture to embed leadership behaviour and beliefs to support the performance culture objectives.
Who is this Culture Uplift Program for?
- Leaders within the organisation at manager level where there is a need to cascade the C-Suite and Senior leadership performance culture outcomes into the sub-culture environment at an operational and functional level.
Expected Results?
- Bottom up culture development where the organisation truly embeds the desired performance culture into the sub-culture systems of the organisation.
- Sub cultures become integrated with the group culture creating a sense of local identity and empowerment appropriate for local performance objectives and a sense of connection to the broader group purpose, vision and strategy.
- An embedded culture of performance that is created at a belief system level, owned by everyone across the organisation.
- Employee engagement, retention, satisfaction, wellness and performance elevated. Elevated corporate identity at all levels across the organisation. +
Who is this Culture Uplift Program for?
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- Expected Results?
About The Programme
- More Information About Functional And Operational Culture Uplift Programs +
Our Work
What We Do
- Leadership connected personally and professionally by way of shared purpose, values and leadership behaviours and beliefs.
- Clarity and agreement on Leadership Identity – ‘who we want to be and how we want to show up’ for the organisation at a beliefs system level.
- Agreement on leadership accountabilities, cross-functional synergies to support cultural growth and set the leadership dynamics required to lead the culture transformation.
- Leaders equipped with performance culture development tools and techniques to develop their teams.
- A Vision and Strategy that connects, inspires and motivates everyone at all levels of the organisation.
- Shared connection, ownership and accountability of the Vision and Strategy.
- Individual purpose and values aligned to the Vision.
- Ability to bring the Vision to life through leadership people development (people, process and systems).
- Vision is broken down into clear and identified steps that can be connected with by everyone. Leaders being able to link cultural drivers to the Vision and achieving the organisational Strategy.
- Performance culture designed to support current people initiatives and growth projects (specifically leadership development and safety).
- Culture defined in terms of ‘people and environment’ – people are the beliefs and behaviours (intrinsic), environment is the ways of working, systems and tools in place to support these behaviours (extrinsic).
- Integration of agreed leadership behaviours, beliefs and ways of working into the BAU fabric of across all levels of leadership.
We believe that a combination of in-person delivery combined with online self-directed learning and leadership coaching to encourage meaningful follow up activities is the right combination to achieve elevated EI that will improve performance.
CEO And C-Suite ‘Setting The Tone’ Connect Series
The Workshop Experience

In person workshops are essential to elevate EI initially - the power of group coaching in person, where it is a FELT experience creates the desired outcomes of shared and common beliefs uncovered, new ways of being identified and committed to and connection amongst peers at an emotional level which galvanises the start of any EI uplift program.
The workshop experience is not enough to uplift performance - the outcomes from the workshop have to be embedded into the business ways of working. This must be embedded procedurally and behaviourally with strong focus and attention on upholding the new ways of working consistently.
THIS is the way in which the workshop experience is sustained - we provide leadership coaching in the first 12 months of our work to support the embedding of these principles.
Experiential learning is the best way to uplift performance - to sustain this leadership needs to be committed to creating new ways of working that reinforce the new behaviours needed for performance.
Stability in leadership is also a vital component to uphold sustainability of this work.