Setting the Cultural Tone
CEO And C-Suite ‘Setting The Cultural Tone’ Connect Series
Combination of:
This series of webinars and 1-2-1 coaching creates robust cultural and behavioural alignment at the Executive Level within an organisation. It is critical for a performance culture to be set and maintained so that the C-Suite is aligned.
What We Do
- By partnering with the CEO, we create executive leadership teams that are aligned to the common purpose and strategic goals of the organisation. We coach in groups and one on one to create personal connection to the organisation’s values, mission and vision.
- We then work with the CEO and Executive team to create a deep sense of alignment around the leadership behaviours, beliefs and values required from them as performance culture custodians for the group to achieve their strategic outcomes.
- This work takes at least 6 months and is delivered either online or in-person. The majority of our clients prefer online as Executive teams are rarely in the same geographic location or time zone - we meet the needs of global teams spanning multiple continents and time zones.
Top Down Performance Culture Setting The Tone
Align Board, CEO and Executive Team on the desired performance culture narrative to achieve strategic outcomes. Elevate performance culture as a standing agenda item and key risk to be managed by the CEO, C-Suite and Senior Leadership teams.
Create a cultural narrative that aligns with existing leadership performance frameworks and performance management systems - integrate corporate values, purpose and leadership behaviours required to support performance into the cultural narrative.
Understand and define the golden threads of culture and capability that are the main levers for performance across the organisation. Link these ‘golden threads’ to strategic performance outcomes and performance measurement tools.
Link these cultural drivers to risk management. Review current initiatives – are they aligned with the necessary cultural drivers needed to unlock value?
Creating Connection
Webinars & Masterclasses
The ‘Connect Series’ includes 6, 3 hour webinars every 4-6 weeks to create connection with the desired performance culture of the organisation. This connection also includes connection to the organisational values, mission and purpose. We also ensure each C-Suite member has a deep personal connection to the desired performance culture.

Executive Coaching
- Each C-Suite member receives 60 minutes of executive coaching in between each ‘Group Connect Session’ to work through their own personal blind spots and development areas outside of the group dynamic. This ensures that individual leadership behaviour matters can be addressed safely and confidentially, with clients often bringing these conversations to the group sessions to share their individual insights with their peers.
- The CEO receives monthly 45 minute 1-2-1 coaching to align their desired outcomes and culture narrative to the design of each ‘Connect Session’.
- The ‘CEO and C-Suite Setting the Cultural Tone Connect Series' is run by Zoe Williams, our CEO and Founder.
Connect Series
CEO And C-Suite ‘Setting the Tone’ Connect Series Includes:
- Minimum of 6, 3 hour group webinars every 4-6 weeks with CEO and C-Suite in attendance
- Monthly 60 minute 1-2-1 accountability and strategy coaching sessions for each C-Suite member
- Monthly 45 minute 1-2-1 leadership coaching and connect series design conversations between the CEO and Zoe Williams
- Membership to PEEQ®
Who is the Connect Series For?
- CEOs and Executive teams of global corporations seeking to create alignment and connection to an aspirational performance culture design
- Executive teams where significant change has been experienced and alignment / reset is required
- CEOs and Executive teams where there is a need to create a culture uplift across the group
- CEOs and Executives who are seeking to design a new performance culture to meet specific strategic outcomes +
Expected Outcomes
- A designed performance culture that incorporates required belief systems, narratives to support the embedding of these beliefs, aligned language and leadership behaviours.
- A designed performance culture aligned with the corporate mission, purpose, values and strategy.
- Leadership team aligned around and powerfully connected to the culture as designed, so much so they are embodying the required leadership behaviours in their language and actions. +
Cultural Tone
Setting The Cultural Tone At The Top
- We specialise in supporting Boards, CEOs and Executives in ensuring that they have set the right tone from the top regarding performance culture.
- The ‘right’ performance culture for an organisation depends on the strategic outcomes the Board and CEO are focussed on delivering against to create shareholder value.
- Performance culture needs to be set as a “Tone from the Top’ and also needs to be agile enough to encourage sub-culture adaptations to meet the performance outcome needs at a local level.
Top down cultural custodianship sets the tone, which sets the guide rails for the subcultures of the organisation to operate within. Leaders who understand their role as a cultural custodian and steward of the organisation listen to the organisation more closely. Cultural guide rails from the centre should focus mostly on corporate governance and strategy, purpose, values and expected behaviours.
CEO And C-Suite ‘Setting The Tone’ Connect Series
Cultural Tone
Setting The Cultural Tone At The Top
Performance Culture
We specialise in supporting Boards, CEOs and Executives in ensuring that they have set the right tone from the top regarding performance culture.
Strategic Outcomes
The ‘right’ performance culture for an organisation depends on the strategic outcomes the Board and CEO are focussed on delivering against to create shareholder value.
Performance Outcome
Performance culture needs to be set as a “Tone from the Top’ and also needs to be agile enough to encourage sub-culture adaptations to meet the performance outcome needs at a local level.
Leaders don’t need to understand the whole organisational ecosystem to create a performance culture, they need to know about their role in the system, the impact their role has and how to consciously create the experience necessary for people to engage and deliver in-line with organisational objectives.
Top Down Culture
Top down cultural custodianship sets the tone, which sets the guide rails for the subcultures of the organisation to operate within. Leaders who understand their role as a cultural custodian and steward of the organisation listen to the organisation more closely. Cultural guide rails from the centre should focus mostly on corporate governance and strategy, purpose, values and expected behaviours.
Cultural Tone
Setting The Cultural
At The Top
Performance Culture
We specialise in supporting Boards, CEOs and Executives in ensuring that they have set the right tone from the top regarding performance culture.
Strategic Outcomes
The ‘right’ performance culture for an organisation depends on the strategic outcomes the Board and CEO are focussed on delivering against to create shareholder value.
Performance Outcome
Performance culture needs to be set as a “Tone from the Top’ and also needs to be agile enough to encourage sub-culture adaptations to meet the performance outcome needs at a local level.
Leaders don’t need to understand the whole organisational ecosystem to create a performance culture, they need to know about their role in the system, the impact their role has and how to consciously create the experience necessary for people to engage and deliver in-line with organisational objectives.
Top Down Culture
Top down cultural custodianship sets the tone, which sets the guide rails for the subcultures of the organisation to operate within. Leaders who understand their role as a cultural custodian and steward of the organisation listen to the organisation more closely. Cultural guide rails from the centre should focus mostly on corporate governance and strategy, purpose, values and expected behaviours.