Leadership Network


Combination of:

  • Online Masterclasses & Group Coaching Sessions
  • Exclusive leadership and emotional intelligence content
  • Optional Online Programs

PEEQ® - Performance Elevation through EQ. PEEQ® is a digital space for leaders looking to elevate their emotional intelligence, uplift corporate culture and create real change within their organisations. This private network connects, coaches and supports you through your leadership journey. A source of leadership coaching and development - in your pocket.

Global Networking

Exclusive Networking At a Global Level

PEEQ® is an exclusive platform for like-minded leaders around the world to unite with a focus on elevating emotional intelligence and corporate culture. Designed as a shared learning experience, members benefit from group coaching, live discussions and ongoing interactive exercises curated and led by Zoe Williams and the team of Luminary Mindset® expert coaches.

Group Coaching

Live Masterclasses & Group Coaching

Inside the platform, you can opt-in to live monthly Masterclasses led by Zoe Williams focusing on specific leadership topics. Come to group coaching sessions designed around the issues that matter most to our members. Engage in interactive weekly content to further your self development journey and learning. Connect with an exclusive group of global leaders, all on a mission to uplift corporate culture and improve performance. 

Online Programs

As a member of PEEQ®, you can invest in your emotional intelligence further through online programs, such as the Luminary Mindset® Self Mastery online course. You can read more about Self Mastery [here] or download the Self Mastery Brochure [here]

Self Mastery is a 12 module online program designed to elevate emotional intelligence, improve self-awareness and reveal and conquer blind spots within your leadership. Each step of this self-led program offers video and audio coaching alongside leadership and emotional intelligence exercises focused on transforming your belief systems for improved leadership performance.

With Self Mastery, you will learn:

• Key emotional intelligence skills for elevated EQ

• How to identify and harness your strengths

• How to transform your limiting beliefs

• How to uncover blindspots impacting your EQ... and so much more. 

Network Membership include

PEEQ® Membership includes

  • Network of like-minded global leaders
  • Access to topic/industry-based groups
  • Live group coaching sessions with Zoe and other expert coaches
  • Masterclasses, webinars, live discussions with coaches and other leaders
  • Focused content, resources & exercises for continuous learning, self-development and leadership skills elevation
  • Choice to access online programs 
    • Network of like-minded global leaders
    • Access to topic/industry-based groups
    • Live group coaching sessions with Zoe and other expert coaches
    • Masterclasses, webinars, live discussions with coaches and other leaders
    • Focused content, resources & exercises for continuous learning, self-development and leadership skills elevation
    • Choice to access online programs 

Who is PEEQ® For?

  • Leaders of organisations and teams
  • Leaders who are seeking to positively impact on hundreds if not thousands of employees within their organisations
  • Leaders looking to elevate their emotional intelligence to impact performance
  • Leaders focused on self-actualisation and wider impact for those they influence
  • Leaders who want to invest in themselves to better their leadership skills but also their personal mindset while positively impacting their own network of people
  • Leaders who want to influence the shape of the future for others in a positive way
  • Leaders committed to uplifting the culture of their organisation to create performance in a sustainable way
    • Leaders of organisations and teams
    • Leaders who are seeking to positively impact on hundreds if not thousands of employees within their organisations
    • Leaders looking to elevate their emotional intelligence to impact performance
    • Leaders focused on self-actualisation and wider impact for those they influence
    • Leaders who want to invest in themselves to better their leadership skills but also their personal mindset while positively impacting their own network of people
    • Leaders who want to influence the shape of the future for others in a positive way
    • Leaders committed to uplifting the culture of their organisation to create performance in a sustainable way
  • +

Expected Results?

  • A space for leaders to access coaching and consultancy through their device at a time that suits them
  • A range of coaching solutions and consulting services including in-depth exclusive Masterclasses with experts
  • On-going coaching and training exercises
  • Continuous accountability to keep focus on self-development and impact teams
  • Exclusive networking of like-minded leaders who are committed to creating corporate cultures that increase shareholder value 
  • Reduced feeling of ‘leading alone’
  • Increased effectiveness of the time leaders invest in their self development and development of others
    • A space for leaders to access coaching and consultancy through their device at a time that suits them
    • A range of coaching solutions and consulting services including in-depth exclusive Masterclasses with experts
    • On-going coaching and training exercises
    • Continuous accountability to keep focus on self-development and impact teams
    • Exclusive networking of like-minded leaders who are committed to creating corporate cultures that increase shareholder value 
    • Reduced feeling of ‘leading alone’
    • Increased effectiveness of the time leaders invest in their self development and development of others
  • +

CEO And C-Suite ‘Setting The Tone’ Connect Series

  • Webinars
  • Connect Series
  • 1-2-1 Coaching
  • Cultural Tone


How to Become a PEEQ® Member

  • Register as a member to the PEEQ® network - Free access for the first 12 months 
  • Create your profile and begin networking and accessing exclusive content 
  • Join us at our monthly events

Online Programs

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