CEO Coaching

1-2-1 CEO Coaching

Combination of:

  • 1-2-1 CEO Coaching
  • In-person or Online
  • Weekly Check-Ins

Coaching is the process of creating breakthroughs in performance blind spots that are hidden in our subconscious mind. A CEO coach has a combination of well developed coaching skills, relevant corporate experience of their own at a strategic/board level and an ability to apply coaching techniques to the CEO client’s reality.

Confidential Coaching

1-2-1 Confidential CEO Coaching

CEO coaching is vital for any culture transformation as the culture is ultimately set and maintained by the CEO leadership style which filters down through the organisation to all levels.

CEOs rarely have anyone to use as a sounding board or advisor internally, or often externally. As CEO decision-making and challenges are often bound by confidentiality and market sensitivities, having someone to work through the leadership blind spots that may impact on strategic decision-making is highly valued by our clients. Additionally, this coaching helps the CEO identify how these blind spots may be impacting the organisational performance culture, not only uplifting their own performance but the organisational performance at the same time.

Luminary Coaches

Luminary Mindset® CEO Coaches

A CEO coach must have a track record of ultimate integrity and client confidentiality, where there should be an ongoing commitment of service to the CEO and the organisation in the client’s duty of care. With over 15 years of corporate experience, the Luminary Mindset® CEO coaching team is led by our founder and CEO, Zoe Williams.

Coaching includes:

1-2-1 CEO Coaching Includes:

  • Monthly 90 minute coaching sessions in person or online
  • Access to your coach 5 days a week by email/messenger
  • Weekly 10/15 minute check ins
  • 360 degree feedback process to highlight leadership blindspots

Who is CEO coaching for?

  • CEOs seeking to understand their leadership blind spots holding their performance (and therefore the performance of the company) back
  • CEOs seeking to understand how their leadership style creates a performance culture in order to maintain those leadership behaviours and leverage them as strengths
  • CEOs seeking to set a new tone from the top, to create new performance outcomes across their organisation
  • An understanding of the ways in which behaviour influences the strategic outcomes of the organisation The ability to choose a leadership style appropriate to create the desired performance outcome
  • The ability to choose a leadership style appropriate to create the desired performance outcome
  • The ability to coach others in elevating their self awareness as leaders and creating the link between personal beliefs, behaviour and performance outcomes
  • +

Expected Results?

  • Elevated self awareness and an ability to link personal leadership style to individual and group performance outcomes
  • An understanding of the ways in which behaviour influences the strategic outcomes of the organisation The ability to choose a leadership style appropriate to create the desired performance outcome
  • The ability to choose a leadership style appropriate to create the desired performance outcome
  • The ability to coach others in elevating their self awareness as leaders and creating the link between personal beliefs, behaviour and performance outcomes
  • +

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CEO And C-Suite ‘Setting The Tone’ Connect Series

  • Webinars
  • Connect Series
  • 1-2-1 Coaching
  • Cultural Tone

More About CEO Coaching

Never before have global corporations been forced to comply with addressing as many economic, geopolitical, social and environmental issues as they are today. Leaders of 20 years ago were not expected to be able to reassure Boards of front-line behaviour regarding bullying and harassment. Enquiries did not look at behaviour and the experience employees are having in the workplace as they do today. Mental health and stress has not been a focus of attention like it is today.

Corporations have more of a social responsibility to their employees than ever before, and this responsibility has to be shared across the organisation.  Performance culture is no longer just about facts and figures, it is about how people ‘feel’ about the work they are doing, their capacity to make decisions under stress and their ability to know how to behave in any given moment in-line with corporate governance expectations.

This shift in focus means leaders need to be able to apply emotional intelligence in their leadership, they need to be able to read situations where behaviour could be the make or break in any situation, they need to be able to navigate all kinds of human and behavioural issues that cannot always be addressed through a process or set of data.

This is not only about behavioural risk (I+D, Bullying and Harassment, Conduct etc.) this is where performance lives - emotionally intelligent leaders can outperform other leaders through their decision making, problem solving and ability to lead people through inspiration, motivation and clear focus on what matters most.

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